Friday, February 14, 2025


God Loves and Has a Perfect Plan

Life sometimes brings us into difficult situations, making us feel lost and directionless. There are moments when we feel like failures, lose hope, and do not know where to go. That was exactly what I experienced when I stopped working. I felt mentally down, unwilling to look for another job, and all the businesses I tried did not succeed.

In the midst of my confusion, I said to my wife, "Our son Rafael, who was just born, does not bring luck." That was a statement coming from a heart full of anxiety. At that time, Rafael was just about three months old. But at the most unexpected moment, something astonishing happened—something that completely changed my perspective.

Miraculously, we heard Rafael speak clearly: “BANYAKKAN?” (which means "There are many" in Indonesian).

At that moment, I was stunned. It felt as if God was speaking to me through the mouth of this little child. I suddenly realized that there were many things, many opportunities, and many blessings that God had already prepared. All this time, I had felt stuck, yet my own child reminded me that God never leaves us.

Today, as I read Wisdom 10:21, I am reminded of that event once again. It has now been 17 years since that moment, and Rafael has grown into an incredible young man. Seeing him now, I am even more convinced that God truly loves everyone. He has a perfect plan for us, even when we feel down and cannot see the way forward.

I write this not only as a reminder to myself but also to my family and to anyone who is going through a difficult time in life. Never doubt God’s love. He always works in miraculous ways, even through the smallest and simplest things—like the voice of a three-month-old baby.

God always has a way. Believe me, there is always hope.